07 Jul Legal Marketing Video Tips #1
Does your firm believe in video but isn’t quite sure where to begin? We created three videos to help you create, play, and market your video. In this first video we will provide some basic information to help you create the right messaging for your video. Here at Producify we begin our process by asking the following questions:
First, who is your target audience? By understanding their behaviors and needs, you can determine the type of content they are interested in and how best to engage with them.
Second, what is the behavior you want your viewers to perform after they have viewed your video? Understanding this preferred behavior will help you develop the most effective call to action for your video. For instance, if you want viewers to call then add a phone number in your video and direct viewers to call the number below. If you’re interested in collecting their email emails then add a call to action within the video that collects emails.
Third, before creating new content, check what content your firm already has. Has this content proved successful in the past and can it be repurposed as video content? This will save valuable time and resources in creating a new video campaign.
Fourth keep your video focused on one message. Don’t try to fit 10 different topics into one video because your audience will loose engagement. If you have 10 topics then make 10 short videos as opposed to one long video. A good rule of thumb is to keep your videos under 3 minutes. However some of our clients have found great success in creating very topic specific videos that are longer than 10 minutes. So it’s not just about video length of time but also about your audience and your chosen topic. The most important thing is to remember to include call to actions within the first 5 seconds of your video.
To recap, before beginning production, develop measurable goals for your video. Whether it’s raising awareness by engaging with your audience, extending clients’ lifecycle, encouraging client advocacy, or converting potential clients videos can help. Some common videos include firm profile videos, recruitment videos, educational videos, and client testimonial videos.
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